Comrade Chair, Distinguished Guests, Friends.
Fifty years ago this month a crime was committed against the people and land of this country that so far has gone up-punished.
I refer to Agent Orange. Its use, over a period of ten-years, resulted in the deaths of thousands of babies, many in the wombs of their mothers.
Let\'s not hesitate to lay the blame at the doorstep of those responsible for the crime that today, fifty-years later, is still killing the people of Vietnam and leaving hundreds of thousands with severe disabilities.
I accuse the American government headed by President Jack Kennedy, and after his death, President L. B. Johnson, and the American Chemical companies headed by Monsanto, Dow Chemical and DuPont.
From President Kennedy onwards, Vietnam, and the victims of Agent Orange have been betrayed.
I remind you of the letter of agreement of February 1st 1973 from President Nixon to pay $3.25 billion to help the reconstruction of North Vietnam.
Friends, not one cent of that $3-25 billion has been paid.... Indeed when the US withdrew from Vietnam they imposed an international embargo that ended 21 years later on January 1994. So much for agreements with the US.
With Agent Orange, neither the US government, Monsanto, Dow Chemicals, DuPont etc has paid a cent in compensation to the Victims or their families.
Indeed, the companies, like their governments from Kennedy to Obama, have refused to accept any responsibility for the horrific damage Agent Orange has had on the people and land of Vietnam.
But notice the difference when the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico occurred, within days President Obama demanded that BP set-aside $20 billion to compensation the people affected, and BP agreed.
I would argue and demand that President Obama set-aside $60 billion to compensate the Vietnamese Victims and their families as a basic requirement. And demand that Monsanto, Dow Chemicals, DuPont etc pay $80 billion in compensation.
These tragic victims need our help, Vietnam alone cannot do it; they need clinics, houses, and rest houses for the parents who are caring for their sons and daughters 24 hours a day, every week of the year.
Monsanto, Dow and DuPont made $ billions in profits from manufacturing Agent Orange, and have offices in many countries, including mine, and sorry to say Vietnam.
Friends, I cannot, and will not, tell the leaders of Vietnam how to act on this issue; it is not my place to do so.
But, it is my duty, as a friend of many years standing to express my concern that 50 years on the Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange and their families have been denied Justice, despite many actions of support by their friends here and overseas, including the lawsuit fought in the courts of the US, ending in rejection by the Supreme Court.
While various US elected representatives have expressed support, very little has come forth.
Today, let us remember the many thousands who have died through the actions of Monsanto, Dow Chemical, DuPont etc.
They died without receiving justice.
For those still living and those yet to be born, we have a duty to see they do not wait another fifty-years. Let me offer seven suggestions of how, with support of the international community, we can bring justice to these tragic victims, some of whom are present today.
1. Recalling the 21 year international embargo placed on Vietnam, let the international community place an embargo on all products of MONSANTO.
2. In each of our countries take delegations; send letters to the US embassies demanding the US Government pay compensation to the victims.
3. To Hugh Grant, President of Monsanto let each of US take, send, a letter demanding his company pays compensation.
4. To each office of Monsanto, in all countries, let a letter be sent with the same demands.
5. Let each of US purchase a share in the Monsanto Company and where possible attend their Annual General Meeting demanding Justice for the Vietnamese Victims. Let there be protests outside the venue of the AGM.
6. Let us ask our governments to help the victims of Agent Orange in Vietnam, and ask them to bring pressure on the US Government to do the same.
7. Monsanto is the world\'s largest company supplying GM Seeds to many countries. Let us agree: Don’t buy them, Don\'t plant them, Don\'t eat them.
Let me end with a quote from a dear friend Nguyen Due, who I first met in 1989 as a young lad of 8 year in Tu Du Hospital. His words should inspire US all in our work seeking justice.
\"The United States must admit its responsibility and compensate the Agent Orange victims in Vietnam. It is your moral obligation. Sooner or later, it has to be done.\"
Thank you
Len Aldis.
Len Aldis (United Kingdom)
Secretary General, British-Vietnam Friendship Association